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如果世上有種魔法,能把奏出來的音樂變成建築物 If there were magic that could transform music into buildings.

作家相片: Kai Hei Chor CellistKai Hei Chor Cellist


If there were magic that could transform your musical performance in to buildings, what kind of architect would you like to be?

最近遇到的學生都很厲害,才華橫溢,勤奮努力。對着他們,我發現我說的幾乎都是一樣:音準技巧很好,每個音都很漂亮,欠的就是整個樂曲的建構Architectural planning。⠀

I'm super grateful that students I have met recently are of exceptional talent. They are diligent and musical. Yet the phrase I've said most after hearing them is the 'what about the overall architectural planning of the piece?'


[Music and Architecture]

如果說節奏是聲音在拍子中的呈現, 圖案和元素排序等就建構了建築物的節奏。⠀


If Rhythm is the presentation of sounds inside beats & pulse; patterns and elements form the rhythm in architecture; if proportion in music represent the contrast of heaviness/time/intervals; distance, space and so on constitute the architectural proportion.

Same concept of Melody, materials, harmony, texture, articulation, proportion etc. could be related to architecture.


When we perform composer's architectural plan for our performance, I always imagine the piece as a building.

整個建築物構造 = 整首樂曲的結構⠀

區域 =大段落⠀

樓層 =樂句 ⠀

房間 =小句⠀

每件傢俬 =每個音 (特別是一小句內,每個音的重輕和 time proportion.)

Say the entire movement as a building; big paragrapha as a regions; phrases as floors; rooms as small phrases/motif; furniture as every small notes.

然後運用不同的 Articulations, time proportion, 音色, 強弱等把一切串連起來,建構成一棟美麗的而有個人特色的建築。 ⠀

I would always study every part and the relationship within. Use articulation, time, dynamics, timbre, etc. by our playing technique to create the entire architecture with our own style and interpretation.

現附上一小段去年公開教學的即席演奏。 ⠀

Here is a small clip of me trying to play the Prokoviev for the student in my cello class...


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